
Is Varicose Veins Only Cosmetic Problem or Serious Medical Conditions? 

To know whether Varicose Veins is only a cosmetic problem or serious medical condition, it is pertinent to understand what is meant by varicose veins. When a clear understanding of the term is made, one can easily conclude as to whether this could be a serious problem or not.

Varicose Veins 

Varicose Veins are the type of veins that bulge from the body. These veins when left untreated for a long time, might lead to serious health ailments in the future. They are twisted in nature and it is commonly seen in many people. Varicose Veins are very much seen in those who are suffering from heart problems and other vascular diseases. Varicose Veins are nothing but the strain of the blood vessels. The vessels are nothing but arteries and veins.

Veins in the legs carry blood back to the heart and other parts of the body. This happens against gravity. When the blood cannot move freely, then it gets clogged in certain parts of the vein. The veins are known as spider veins and they are purple and can cause heaviness in the leg and might lead to another kind of health issue as well.

When the varicose veins are left untreated for a long time, then it leads to conditions like blood clots as well.

Symptoms of Varicose Veins 

There are a few symptoms of varicose veins. It is listed below.

Swelling– As the blood gets clogged in the veins, then it leads to swelling of the veins.

Severe pain in the legs- when they are standing for long hours together, then it causes severe pain in the legs. This might be a very serious issue in the later stages.

Itching- The bloated veins can cause itching. When you tend to itch, the condition gets even more severe.

Change in skin colour- When the colour of the skin changes, then it is a serious sign of varicose veins. When you spot purple colour veins, then it is better advised to consult a doctor.

Spider veins or web- Not just in the legs, varicose veins can occur in any part of the body like the face as well. When two or many veins clog together, it starts appearing like a spider web. The web appears either red or purple.

Causes of varicose veins 

Varicose Veins are caused because excessive pressure induced on the legs and abdomen. This leads to the veins getting strained too much and leads to blocking in blood flow.

One can see that varicose veins are not something that only makes your leg look bad but can pose a danger in long term and will require laser treatment for varicose veins which is one of the most popular option.

  • Hormonal Changes 

When women are pregnant or they are undergoing a menopausal stage, then the hormone levels in the body get changed rapidly. This leads to the relaxation of the walls of the veins. When women are pregnant, the amount of blood that is produced in the body increases to a large extent. This leads to the block of the blood that flows through the veins.

  • Sedentary lifestyle 

When human beings do not exercise often and they follow a very sedentary lifestyle, then the varicose veins issue crops up and creates a lot of problems while walking or making any other movement relating to the limbs of the human body.

  • Age 

Age is one of the common factors of varicose vein. As one age, the veins could wear and tear. This leads to disruption in blood flow.

  • Family history 

When varicose veins have been a problem in the family, then there are high chances of one facing this problem. However, this is not a genetic disease and can be treated easily. Only serious cases require medical treatment.

Steps to prevent varicose veins 

When certain measures are followed meticulously, then one can prevent varicose veins to a large extent.

  • Exercise regularly 

When one exercises regularly, then the blood flow cannot get obstructed as there is heavy movement in the legs and other parts of the body.

  • Not falling into the trap of obesity

When you get too obese, then the pressure put on the legs increases due to the heavy weight.

  • Proper diet 

When you include a lot of fiber in your diet and also make sure that you don’t consume more salt, then you can avoid varicose veins to a major extent.

  • Avoiding tight socks and high heels 

When you wear tight socks, then the veins get clogged. This leads to blood getting caught without being circulate. When you are wearing high heels, then the structure of veins gets modified to a greater extent.

  • Don’t leave your legs free for long 

When you are leaving your legs free for long, then the veins need to work extra to make sure the blood goes back to the heart. So, it is recommended to fold your legs often to create a better environment for the veins to move. It is also suggested to keep changing your positions often to create flexibility in the body.

Treatment for varicose veins 

One needs to go under the knife, radiation ablation or use laser ablation for a cure only when the issue is very serious. Otherwise, proper massage therapy that could loosen the vein structure is more than enough.

One could see that varicose veins when diagnosed at very earlier stages might be taken as a cosmetic concern. When the same varicose veins when reaches later stages, then it becomes a serious concern and needs to be considered as a serious health risk which might even lead to problems like clotting of veins and ulcer.

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