
Jalan Bhar Accident Today Video, Indian National Injured in Accident Succumbed

A very harsh and serious accident happened in Singapore where an Indian national who is one of the workers among 17 workers on a lorry that collided into a stranded tipper truck had to be disengaged with the hydraulic machine and later taken to the hospital for further treatment where he was under the supervision of several doctors who declared him dead and a one-day probe into the accident learned on Wednesday. The Jalan Bhar Accident was so harsh and tragedic by which the worker of the company was highly injured with this and later pronounced dead by the doctors, the case is under investigation and surely it will comes to an end after the whole investigation will complete by the investigators. Stick with us to collect all the updates and information about the accident which was happened in the lorry accident.

Jalan Bhar Accident Today Indian national injured in accident succumbed

The persons were identified as Sugunan Sudheeshmon aged 28 from India and Toffazal Hossain aged 33 from Bangladesh and both of them were seated at the backside of the lorry which is right after the driver’s cabin where the collision was most powerful from the crash that happened on 20th April. In this accident, an Indian citizen named Sugunan was breathing erratically and making gurgling sounds by which he was admitted to the hospital named National University Hospital.

Jalan Bhar Accident Today Video

In the hospital where he was treated under the supervision of several doctors but after treating him best he lost his life and was declared dead at around 10.40 PM, as per the statement of the senior investigating officer named Raziz Tahar which he said to the court. In addition to this, he stated that “He was admitted to the intensive care unit after the operation but was unresponsive, his health deteriorated despite maximum therapy.”

On the other hand, the Bangladeshi citizen named Toffazal had to be released from the debris and was hurried to Ng Teng Fong General Hospital where he was declared dead by the doctors. The Police were informed regarding the Jalan Bhar Accident on the PIE towards Changi Airport ere the Jalan Bahar departure in the Jurong industrial area at around 6.06 AM. As per the information it is stated that the Indian citizen was survived with his wife along with an 18-month-old child and Toffazal was also married and had a two-year-old son. The attorney named Raziz stated to the court that there was no evidence of foul play and the State Coroner Adam Nakhoda will present his conclusions on 20th October. Stay tuned with us.

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