
Top 5 Tips to Keep Your Skin Radiant and Glowing All Year Long

Do you suffer from skin issues at various times throughout the year? Do your skin problems lead to frustration, confidence issues, and at times, even cause you to withdraw from socializing with friends?

If any of that sounds familiar, you’re not alone. Millions of people all around the world suffer from skin problems like sun damage, dryness, flaky skin, itchiness, irritation, and redness.

There can be various factors at play when it comes to your skin issues. The weather, the air-conditioning in your home or office, underlying health conditions, or even your cosmetics can contribute to less than perfect skin.

The good news is that you can take steps to promote radiant skin all year long.

In this article, we’ll discuss five essential tips that will boost your skin health. These are natural remedies that you add to any treatment that your doctor has recommended.

1. Improve hydration and elasticity with collagen protein

Collagen is one of the most abundant proteins found in the human body. It plays a vital role in a plethora of biological functions. Collagen is especially critical for structural support, and it promotes healthy bones, joints, connective tissue, muscles, and of course, skin.

When it comes to your skin, collagen helps maintain elasticity. It is partially responsible for that youthful, plump skin you see in younger folks.

The human body creates collagen naturally, but our collagen production decreases as we age. Lower collagen can contribute to dry and wrinkled skin.

Many people believe that supplementing with collagen helps improve skin health, along with bone and joint health. There are many stories of people noticing visible improvements in their skin after taking collagen for some time.

But let’s look at what the research says.

One placebo-controlled 2019 German study looked at the effects of a collagen supplement on 72 women, all above the age of 35. The test subjects who were given collagen experienced significant improvements in skin elasticity, hydration, roughness, and skin density.

Naked Nutrition Collagen Protein Powder

Naked Collagen from Naked Nutrition is one of the best collagen supplements available in the market in part because it only has one ingredient – collagen. They are committed to using only the highest quality ingredients so that you can get the maximum benefits.

Naked Collagen comes from the hides of cows raised in the pristine European pastures. There are no artificial sweeteners, additives, etc. Naked Collagen is GMO-free, dairy-free, soy-free, and gluten-free.

You can mix the highly soluble, tasteless powder in a hot drink such as your coffee, or a cold beverage like your favorite post-drink. One of the most popular ways people consume collagen is by mixing it with their post-workout or morning smoothie.

2. Boost your vitamin C intake

Vitamin C is incredibly beneficial to your health. It has been linked with improved immune function, better cardiovascular health, and stable blood pressure, among other benefits.

There is also some evidence to suggest that vitamin C promotes radiant skin because of its potent antioxidant properties.

But your body can’t produce vitamin C, which means you must get it dietary sources. Some people take supplements, but experts believe that you absorb more vitamin C from dietary sources.

Thankfully, vitamin C is easy to obtain from food. Spinach and kale are both excellent sources, as are strawberries.

If you aren’t too excited about eating your spinach or kale, consider adding them to a morning green smoothie, along with the collagen, as mentioned above protein. You can add the strawberries for added flavor.

3. Exercise for radiant skin

We all know that exercise is good for us. Nonetheless, there are times when we find it challenging to get motivated to head to the gym or to put on our running shoes.

But next time you need that extra boost to get up a little earlier for spin class, remember that exercise can pay significant dividends when it comes to radiant skin.

Exercise improves blood circulation, which means your skin gets a healthy dose of oxygenated blood, as well as the various nutrients present in your blood.

You can also reduce stress through exercise, which means more optimal cortisol levels. Too much cortisol hormone has been linked with acne breakouts and other skin issues.

Finally, exercise also supports collagen production within your body, which is good for your skin, as we explained above.

4. Get your beauty rest

It turns out there’s a lot of truth behind the phrase “beauty sleep.” At one time or another, most of us have experienced dark circles around the eyes after a poor night’s sleep.

Restorative sleep is critical for skin health. Lack of sleep can result in high levels of the stress hormone cortisol, leading to skin inflammation.

Sleep is another factor that plays a role in collagen production in your body. If you don’t sleep well, you produce less collagen and might end up with saggy skin.

When you sleep, your body resets and rejuvenates. It repairs various parts of your body and also regenerates new skin cells.

Try to get seven to nine hours of sleep each night. Otherwise, you can also take short naps during the day to make up for lost sleep.

5. Drink green tea

Green tea is one of the most well-researched teas out there. Along with various other health benefits, there is evidence to suggest that green tea may be super beneficial for your skin.

One of the exciting things about green tea and skin is that you can both drink it, as well as apply it topically.

According to one 2005 double-blinded, placebo-controlled study, women who drank green tea and applied it topically experienced visible improvements in skin elasticity. Using green tea on the skin can also improve puffiness around the eyes.

Here’s what you can do.

Soak a couple of green tea bags in hot water. Then take the bags out, squeeze the water out, and put the bags in the freezer for around 15 minutes as you drink the tea. Then place the cold tea bags on your closed eyes for approximately 20 minutes.

Final thoughts

You don’t have to rely on expensive procedures and products for beautiful glowing skin. All you need to do is support your body’s own mechanism for keeping your skin radiant and healthy.

Collagen is one of the most significant factors for youthful skin. Both exercise and sleep support collagen production. For an added boost, consider Naked Collagen.

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