We are back with another latest news Mahasabha Sadhvi Deva Thakur Says Muslims, Christians Sterilisation To Restrict Their Population. A leader of Hindu Mahasabha today stoked a controversy saying Muslims and Christians must undergo sterilisation to restrict their growing population which was posing a threat to Hindus. This woman need to seek enlightenment, self awakening, better off with meditation. Then and then only she will speak words of wisdom, make logical statement and see everyone as humans. And not some population generating machine.

Sadhvi Deva Thakur Said To Restrict Their Population
- To all Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jews & whatever other controller sect that you and your ancestors belong to.. This Sadhvi is a Chutdi & she needs to eradicated for inciting communal disharmony. Major Hindu Leader Declares This Message: All Christians Must Be Sterilized To Destroy Their Population.
- What is befuddling the common BJP karyakarta and the ever sure and committed RSS shakha pramukh is the discovery that the ‘Hindu Bharat’ has turned out be a rather elusive category.
- The political manifesto of the Scheduled Castes Federation a political outfit set up by Ambedkar in 1942 — rejected the RSS and Hindu Mahasabha as “reactionary” organisations. “The Scheduled Castes Federation will not have any alliance with any reactionary party such as the Hindu Mahasabha or the RSS,” the document, reproduced in Vol 10 of Dr Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar Charitragranth, a Marathi book by Changdev Bhavanrao Khairmode.
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