
Everything You Need to Know About the Trucking Industry in the United States

The trucking industry is quite important in the United States, yet some people do not know this. The following should help you understand how big of a role this industry plays and why it should matter to everyone.

The Revenue This Industry Makes

At the moment, this industry is making nearly $800 billion a year. That’s an incredible amount of money that surpasses many other industries in the United States. This number starts to make sense when you consider how important it is to transport goods from one region of the country to the other.

Goods could include essential items like food, electronics, and much more. Knowing how much money is involved in this industry makes it easy to see why the country’s economy is linked to its success. The industry seems to be growing, so there’s no telling how much bigger it might get as the years go on.

Number of Jobs Linked to Trucking

It is estimated that nearly 7.4 million jobs are linked to the trucking industry. Think about that, and consider that there are only about 130 million people in the country with full-time jobs. The job is quite popular in all states in this country, and it provides folks with a good-paying job.

It should be pointed out that these are just the jobs connected to the industry directly; many jobs depend on these individuals, like restaurant workers who rely on delivered food to feed customers or factory workers who depend on truckers to deliver parts so that they can continue with their work.

How Much a Person Can Make

The average trucker can make up to $46,000 a year though that number can change depending on the company that hires the trucker. Of course, experience can also play a part in how much a trucker makes a year among other factors. This is a demanding job. Sometimes, truckers have to travel for days to deliver cargo to its destination on time, so that’s important to keep in mind.

There’s not a lot of manual labor involved, so that’s a positive thing, and if you get used to it, things should be good for you. It’s an exciting profession that allows you to travel for work. You get to see different parts of the country, which you might not have been exposed to if you didn’t have this job.

Pursuing This Career

Those interested in a career or business in trucking will need to get a license. After that, it may be a good idea to consider what kind of trucker you are going to be. You could be one that works for a trucking company where you’ll be provided a truck to transport goods, you can go at it alone, or build your own company.

If you are going to go into this industry, you’ll need to look for truck trailers for rent though you can also purchase some if you have the cash ready. Hales Trailer states, “As a fleet manager or owner/operator, you want to make a wise investment based on your needs that will offer your team and your customers the best solutions. That means thinking about factors like the type of freight you move, what region and terrain your fleet travels within, special technology needs, how often a trailer is used, budget, and insurance.” Ideally, you should rent first to see if you like working on your own or if you are going to need a fleet. Being self-employed means you get to set your own hours and destinations, which is great if you want the freedom, but you will have to look for jobs on your own. Having people work for you makes things a lot easier for you but more responsibility and work is involved.

These are some things you should know about this industry. There’s a lot more to learn, but you’ll probably learn as you go along.

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