
What Happens When My PIP Benefits are Exhausted?

If you’ve been hurt in an auto accident, you may be eligible for compensation through PIP or personal injury protection coverage. In cases of serious injury, however, it doesn’t take long to reach the $10,000 limit. When that coverage is exhausted, you can pursue additional compensation from the responsible party. Sometimes, the at-fault driver’s insurer claims that a victim’s injuries aren’t serious, undervaluing the claim or keeping them from filing for damages.

What Happens When My PIP Benefits are Exhausted

If you were hurt because of someone else’s negligence and need compensation for a no-fault accident that goes beyond the PIP limit,  consulting a local personal injury lawyer is strongly recommended. Call or click today to learn how an attorney can help you get all the benefits to which you are entitled.

How PIP Coverage Works in Florida

Because of Florida’s no-fault law, all motorists are required to have PIP coverage. If you’ve been hurt in an accident, you must submit to a medical examination within two weeks of the accident, according to Florida statutes.

You can get benefits via personal injury protection no matter who is responsible for an accident. PIP coverage reimburses you for lost income, medical bills, and other losses associated with an accident-related injury.

In the state of Florida, PIP covers up to 60% of lost income and 80% of lost wages, with a limit of $10,000. If a victim dies in an accident, his or her surviving family members can receive up to $5000 for funeral expenses.

What Can You Do When Your PIP Coverage is Exhausted?

If you’ve suffered serious injuries and your care will cost more than $10,000, it’s easy to exhaust PIP benefits within weeks, or in some cases, days. When those personal injury protection benefits run out, your auto insurer will notify you that you’re no longer eligible for benefits under the state’s PIP law.

When you receive such a letter from your insurance company and learn that your PIP benefits have been exhausted, that doesn’t mean your treatments stop. After you’ve used up your own PIP coverage, your health plan takes over, paying for your accident-related losses up to the policy limit.

Filing an injury claim is another viable option for those who have used up their PIP benefits. Victims should consult a local personal injury attorney to learn about their options and ensure that they get the amount of compensation to which they are entitled.

Seeking More Compensation After Using All PIP Coverage

Under Florida Statute 627.737, victims can request additional compensation after exhausting their personal injury protection coverage by filing a claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company. However, they must prove that they’ve used all their PIP benefits and their injuries are serious.

When seeking additional compensation after using your PIP benefits, it’s advisable to consult an injury attorney. While an at-fault driver’s insurer may work to undervalue or even deny your claim, your lawyer will negotiate on your behalf. Request a consultation online or call today to talk to a local lawyer.

Call an Injury Attorney for Help, Advice, and Advocacy

Auto accidents are frightening, overwhelming experiences, and bargaining with another driver’s insurer can add insult to injury. When your PIP benefits have been exhausted but you still need care, you have the right to pursue a claim against the at-fault party’s insurer. Help is out there. Contact the firm by phone or by email to schedule a consultation and explore your legal options.

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