
Who is Chelsea Manning Partner? What Happened to former U.S. Army Soldier?

Chelsea Manning is the name of a former U.S. Army soldier. In July 2013, she was found guilty by a court-martial of multiple Espionage Act violations. She was convicted after publishing nearly 750,000 classified but sensitive documents, both military and diplomatic, to WikiLeaks. Chelsea Manning is an activist and whistle-blower from the United States. In 2013, she revealed that she identifies as a woman. Today, we are going to look at who is her partner. So, who is Chelsea Manning’s partner? Read on to find out.

Who is Chelsea Manning Partner

Chelsea was born on 17 December 1987 in Oklahoma City Oklahoma. Her parents are Susan Fox and Brain Manning. Her parents divorced and she moved with her mother out of the United States. She attended a secondary school in the town of Tasker Milward in Wales. According to her sister Casey, her parents were both alcoholics, and “my mum drank all the time while pregnant with me.” According to a Navy psychiatrist at the time of her birth, “Mr. Moulton”, Chelsea’s facial features showed “fetal alcohol syndrome”. Swipe down to keep reading to know about her relationship. So, read it carefully till the end of this article.

Who is Chelsea Manning Partner?

On the 5th of January, Manning downloaded what would become known as the “Iraq War Logs.” On the 9th of January, she downloaded the “Afghan War Logs” from the “Afghan Database,” which would later become the “Logs of the Afghanistan War.” Manning saved the files on CD-RWs and smuggled them through security by labeling the CD-RWs “Lady Gaga,” and storing them in a “Gaga CD Case.” She lipsynced to Lady Gaga to make it look like she was listening to music on the classified computer’s CD player. She then copied the files onto her personal computer. The following day, Manning wrote a text in a file called “Readme.txt.” She told the court that the file was originally intended for “The Washington Post.” Because of her actions, Chelsea was arrested.

On January 23, 2022, Manning flew into the U.S. via Germany for a two-week leave. During this visit, she went out for the first time in her life as a woman. She was wearing a wig, and makeup, and was carrying a camera on a small SD card. Manning had copied the files on her laptop to the camera SD card so she could bring it with her on her R&R holiday to the U.S., according to Army investigators. The SD card was later found in Manning’s basement room at her aunt’s Potomac Maryland home. In 2022, it was reported that she was dating Canadian musician and Elon Musk’s ex-fiancée, Grimes. Musk wouldn’t confirm or deny the story, but when it came out, he made some pretty funny comments. It’s unclear if Chelsea is currently dating.

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