
Why Was Curtis Sliwa Arrested? Former GOP Mayoral Candidate Detained by NYC Police

Recently Curtis Sliwa’s name has come on the internet and it is trending on social media platforms due to his arrest news. Curtis Sliwa is an American activist and radio talk show host. Since his arrest news came on the internet many people have been very saddened. His arrest news has become a topic of discussion. Now people have been searching for his name on the internet as they want to know him and why he was arrested. Here we have more information about the news and we will share it with you in this article, so let’s continue the article.

Why Was Curtis Sliwa Arrested

Curtis Sliwa is an American activist, visionary founder, chief executive officer and radio talk show announcer. He was born on 26 March 1954 in the United States of America. He is the chief administrator officer of the Guardian Angles, a nonprofit association for unarmed crime prevention. In 2021 he was the Republican nominee for the New York City Mayroal election. In 1977, he made the Magnificent 13 a civilian company committed to battling violence and crime on the New York City Subway. As the city wrestled with a corruption wave, his work gained velocity, growing into Guardian Angle in 1979. Scroll down to the next page for more information about the news.

Why Was Curtis Sliwa Arrested?

As we already mentioned Curtis Sliwa’s has been gaining huge attention from the people due to his arrest news. Now many people are very curious to know about the whole information about Curtis Sliwa’s arrest news. As per the report, Custis was arrested. Amid mounting concerns over a new travelling tent city in Queens, New York, Curtis discovered himself suspended. His arrest unfolded against the backdrop of this vibrant protest, where he and fellow demonstrators deliberately blocked the door to the tent city, enabling a direct conflict with law enforcement personnel. You are on the right page for more information about the news, so please read the complete article.

Curtis has been suspended during a rally against a newly installed traveling tent city in Queens, New York. The rally is scheduled to shed light on the challenges posed by the surge in traveling appearances, which saw Silwa and fellow demonstrators gradually blocking the door to the tent city. This act led to a conflict with law enforcement officials. Here we have shared all the information that we had If we get any information about the news then we will update you soon. Stay tuned to Dekh News for more updates.

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