
Kannada Mukyamantri Kaldodnappot 3rd Day Box office collection Total 2nd Day Earning

Kannada Mukyamantri Kaldodnappot 3rd Day Box office collection Total 2nd Day Earning: Kannada movie “Mukyamantri Kaldodnappo” is released today at the box office. The movie is doing very average business at the box office and people are coming out to watch this movie in very good numbers. You all should watch out this flick with your friends and family if you are looking for something different. The movie is good and critic’s reviews are coming out positive for the movie. Even, though the Kannada movie Mukyamantri Kaldodnappo is a good movie and you can watch it.

Mukyamantri Kaldodnappot 3rd Day Box office collection

The movie is directed by Shivakumar Badriah and it is featuring Shivakumar Badriah in leading role too. Also, the Amulya Raj is the star in the movie, along with Bharath Badriah. You all are going to love the production and direction work in the movie. You all can watch this movie with your friends and family. You all are going to love this movie for sure. Also, the production work and direction work is good in the movie.

Now, if we talk about this Kannada movie then we can say that it has great production and direction work. You all can watch this flick if you are really looking for something unique and fresh. This movie is good and you all should watch this flick with your friends and family.

Mukyamantri Kaldodnappot Box office collection

The first day box office collection reports are coming out positive. The movie is collected around 0.60 Cr from the very first day of release. The movie is going to be a good deal at the box office. Also, we are expecting that this flick is going to be a good deal and going to collect good bucks from the second day of release too.

The plot of the movie is based on Amidst the rising corruption in the Indian political system, the ruling party, in order to regain their lost plans, hatches an evil plan to appoint a dummy CM (Chief Minister) for the time being so that they can use him as their puppet and when the time is right, ask him to step down from the post without creating a ruckus. All goes according to the plan, until, Boti Krishna, a simpleton, and the acting CM refuses to obey the party members’ orders and works against their will.


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