
Guy Arrested For Throwing Bucket of Dog Poopoo on Passengers in a Moving Train

Here, we are going to talk about a viral video and the person featured in it because it is attracting the attention of many and has become a topic of discussion. There is a shameful incident is coming out through a video that shows a guy who throws a dog poopoo on a passenger and this whole incident captured in a video. There is an investigation has also been related to this incident and the featured guy also detained by the deputies. Several questions have surfaced over the internet sites related to this topic, so we made an article and shared all the information in detail.

Guy Arrested For Throwing Bucket

According to the reports, it was an unsavory incident that took place earlier this month overseas in Belgium, and the whole incident was captured on a camera. After this incident, the authorities also made their presence and stated that a prankster in Belgium has been arrested and charged with assault and battery, damage to property using violence, and property damage after dumping buckets of dog poop onto unsuspecting metro passengers. Now, the news of this incident is rapidly making headlines over the internet sites and raises multiple questions over the internet. Swipe up this page and continue your reading…

Guy Arrested For Throwing Bucket of Dog Poopoo on Passengers

The arrested prankster has been identified as Y.D. who reportedly confessed to the act, leading to his arrest in Brussels. It is stated that he targeted innocent bystanders by hurling a concoction of various substances, including excrement, oil, beer, water, fallen leaves, and paint. This incident went viral in a short time and it caused discomfort among the other passengers. Further, it also led to damage to government property prompting law enforcement to take action. The arrested Y.D. is also known as  YaNike on YouTube and has so many followers on his social media accounts. Keep reading…

Y.D. has admitted to the police about his involvement in the unconventional and unpleasant prank. However, it is still not clear whether the prank was intended as part of his online content or if it was a misguided attempt at humor with real-world consequences. In this viral video, a guy is seen throwing dog poopoo at passengers in a moving train and this video is currently available to watch on many social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and more. The running time of this video is around 8 seconds and many users are sharing their reactions by commenting. Stay connected with dekhnews.com to read more articles.

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