
Is Greg Leon Dead? Lexington Restaurant Owner Convicted of Murder Passed Away

In this article, we are going to investigate a piece of viral news that has come out. Rumors of restauranteur and convicted killer Grey Leon dying in the Kirkland Correctional Institution located just north of Columbia, South Carolina have appeared online. He went viral after it was found that he fatally shot his wife’s much younger lover. Recently the news is going viral over the internet. And with the entire world get to know about the viral news. Everyone is looking for the news over the internet. The moment the news is uploaded over the internet it’s gone viral. Everyone is searching for viral news. Here in this article, we will talk about the new recent viral news. As per readers like to know more about viral news. Keep following the article to know more about the viral news.

Is Greg Leon dead?

The 55-year-old received a sentence of 30 years behind bars. Despite claims of him passing away appearing online, they are far from the truth. Sources have confirmed that he is alive. One of the many outlets that claimed that Grey Leon had passed away was The Lexington Ledger. They took to Facebook and stated that he was found deceased in prison. There is much more to tell you about the news, which you will find in the next part of the article.

Is Greg Leon Dead?

Rumors of his passing are false. They also revealed that the prisoner is alive but on life support at Prisma, which is a local hospital. Hence, it is safe to say that the publication’s reports are false and that Leon is still alive. If he had died, reports of the same would have been made available online from credential sources. On February 14,  2016, Leon and his wife Rachel went for a family dinner and went on to part ways for the night. However weeks prior, the former had placed a trucker under the hood of his wife’s Mercedes SUV. There is much more to tell you about the news, which you will find in the next part of the article.

Investigators found the victim’s body lying face down. He was also wearing nothing but socks. If you have any specific questions or information you would like to know, please let us know and we will do our best to assist you. We have shared every single piece of news about this case with you. So, stay tuned to Dekh news for more updates about this case.

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