
National Doctor’s Day 2022 Quotes Wishes Images Whatsapp dp Fb Status Sms

Today, world celebrate National Doctor’s Day 2022 Quotes Wishes Images Whatsapp dp Fb Staus Sms share this stuff for your friends, family or relatives through social media like whatsapp, facebook, hike, bbm etc. N

ational Doctors day in India is a big awareness campaign offering great opportunities to all to get aware about the roles, importance and responsibilities of the doctors as well as promote medical professionals to come closer and follow the responsibilities of their profession very dedicate. National Doctors’ Day is held every year on March 30th in the United States.

It is a day to celebrate the contribution of physicians who serve our country by caring for its’ citizens. The first Doctor’s Day observance was March 30, 1933 in Winder, Georgia.  Eudora Brown Almond, wife of Dr. Charles B. Almond, decided to set aside a day to honor physicians.

National Doctors Day Quotes

national doctor day 2015

national doctor day 2021

National Doctor’s Day 2022 Whatsapp Status

You are doing a great job Suring illness of people
And bringing them Health and happiness
Wish you more success On Doctor’s Day


You are more than just a doctor
You are friend and guide too
So here’s a special wish coming your way
Happy Doctors Day to you.


May your days be wonderful and healthy
Like you make it for others
I want to thank you this Doctors Day
You are an incarnation of God to others


Thank you doctor for being there
Whenever I needed your guidance and care
Happy Doctors Day 2021


When there are tears, you are a shoulder.
When there is pain, you are a medicine.
When there is a tragedy, you are a hope.
Happy Doctor’s Day.


Thank you — Doc for everything
You have done to keep me
In the pink of health And best of spirits! –


Dawn of relief
Happy Doctor’s Day


May your days be wonderful and healthy
Like you make it for others
I want to thank you this Doctors Day
You are an incarnation of God to others.


My doctor is nice; every time I see him, I’m ashamed of what I think of doctors in general. ~Mignon McLaughlin,


The Second Neurotic’s Notebook, 1966 The greatest mistake in the treatment of diseases is that there are physicians for the body and physicians for the soul, although the two cannot be separated. ~Plato Body


soul cannot be separated for purposes of treatment, for they are one and indivisible. Sick minds must be healed as well as sick bodies. ~C. Jeff Miller


In the sick room, ten cents’ worth of human understanding equals ten dollars’ worth of medical science. ~Martin H. Fischer


It is Your deed
That makes us feel proud
It’s great to have a doctor in the family.
Wish you a very
Happy Doctor’s Day.


Wen there are tears, you are a shoulder. When there is pain, you are a medicine. When there is a tragedy, you are a hope. Happy Doctor’s Day 2021


It is Your deed That makes us feel proud It’s great to have a doctor in the family. Wish you a very Happy Doctor’s Day 2016!


Thank you — Doc for everything
You have done to keep me
In the pink of health
And best of spirits!


Doctors prescription for you.
A little smile for breakfast.
Laughs for lunch.
Happiness for dinner.
Doctors fee? An sms when you are free. Happy Doctors Day!


May your days be wonderful and healthy
Like you make it for others
I want to thank you this Doctors Day
You are an incarnation of God to others


पठान हॉस्पिटल में अल्ट्रासाउंड करवाने के लिए गया।
डॉक्टर: कमीज़ उतारो..
शलवार ढ़ीली करके उल्टा लेट जाओ।
पठान घबराकर बोला:
डॉक्टर साहब पहले अल्ट्रासाउंड न कर लें?

एक बच्चा पैदा होते ही नर्स से बोला: मोबाइल है क्या?
नर्स: करेगा क्या?
बच्चा: कुछ नहीं भगवान् को कॉल करनी है कि मैं पहुँच गया हूँ।

डॉक्टर: आपके तीन दांत कैसे टूट गए?
मरीज: पत्नी ने कड़क रोटी बनाई थी।
डॉक्टर: तो खाने से मना कर देते।
मरीज: वही तो किया था।

National Doctor’s Day 2022 Images

doctor day 2015

doctor day 2015

doctor day images

doctor day images

doctor day pics

doctor day pics

doctor day quotes

doctor day quotes

doctor day sayings

doctor day sayings

doctor day wishes

doctor day wishes

national doctor day

national doctor day


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