
Can You Use CBD For Blood Pressure?

The popularity of cannabidiol or CBD stems from the fact that this cannabinoid has therapeutic properties. CBD is rich in antioxidants and works directly with the body’s endocannabinoid system and cannabinoid receptors to help regulate neurotransmitters and hormones that control appetite, sleep, and vital signs, such as blood pressure.

In this post, you’ll learn how CBD can be used to regulate blood pressure, so you can make informed choices as to how you can attain optimum health.

CBD Aid in Hypertension Management

The leading risk factor for heart disease is hypertension or high blood pressure. Because stress can increase blood pressure, a daily dose of CBD helps lower blood pressure. In one CBD study, CBD was administered to rats that were subjected to stress. The findings show that CBD helped lower blood pressure.

Also, another study shows that CBD can lower blood pressure among healthy human volunteers who were subjected to stress as compared to those who were given a placebo. Nine healthy men were given a CBD dose of 600 milligrams in a placebo-controlled study. Laser doppler and finometer were used as cardiovascular parameters. Acute CBD administration reduces resting blood pressure.

Here are the good-to-know facts about CBD and blood pressure:

  • Cannabidiol can help lower a person’s blood pressure when taken in high doses. A person can tolerate up to 1,500 milligrams of CBD daily safely. CBD oil can be effectively administered under the tongue or sublingual route, CBD pills, or CBD spray.
  • CBD affects the body in terms of promoting sleep, relieving stress and anxiety, and reducing fatigue, which are all predisposing factors to hypertension.
  • CBD helps maintain cardiac output and reduce resting systolic blood pressure.

CBD Helps Prevent Heart Disease

Heart disease may result in hypertension or high blood pressure, which causes excess strain and heart muscle damage. With increased blood pressure, it can lead to atherosclerosis or build-up of cholesterol or excess fat in the blood vessels, specifically the coronary arteries.

The early signs and symptoms of heart disease include chest discomfort, heartburn, indigestion, nausea, or stomach pain. Also, patients may experience numbness or weakness in the lower extremities and shortness of breath. So, how can CBD help patients with these signs and symptoms?

Here’s how CBD can help people who are suffering from heart disease:

  • CBD can help relieve the pain caused by heart disease, reducing an individual’s stress and anxiety at the same time.
  • Aside from the physical signs and symptoms, heart disease can lead to depression, which CBD can also help you with. CBD has anti-anxiety properties, helping calm your mind, improve your mood, and relax your body and lower your blood pressure, as well as prevent depression.

CBD Protect Stroke Patients

Hypertension can lead to heart disease, which increases a person’s risk of stroke. When blood becomes clotted and clogged and impedes the brain, ischemic stroke may result. Also, hemorrhagic stroke may arise, in which a blood vessel found in the brain bursts.

CBD administration can help protect stroke patients against brain damage and aid in boosting brain function and recovery. Also, during a stroke, CBD shows to help increase cerebral blood flow on animal studies.

CBD Helps Manage Degenerative Diseases

CBD helps alleviate MS or multiple sclerosis, which is a long-lasting disease or a type of degenerative disorder affecting the brain, the spinal cord, and the eyes’ optic nerves. It can cause vision issues and problems in muscle control, balance, and other body functions.

Cannabidiol has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help improve the signs and symptoms of degenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and multiple sclerosis. Also, CBD is very effective in treating other medical conditions, such as seizure disorders, like epilepsy.

Here are some ways to administer CBD to help manage degenerative diseases:

  • CBD can be taken as pure oil ingested or placed under the mouth or sublingually. Make sure to follow your doctor’s advice on proper dosing and check the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • If you prefer vaping, CBD vape oil is now available. It’s a fun way to take your everyday CBD dose to calm your senses and avoid stress, which can exacerbate signs and symptoms of degenerative diseases.
  • CBD can also be infused in meals and beverages using CBD tincture.


Using CBD is helpful in managing high blood pressure or hypertension, which is a common manifestation among patients with heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular problems. CBD helps in regulating blood pressure as it works directly with cannabinoid receptors or cells, as evident in animal and human studies.

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