
Drug Possession Penalties and Sentencing

Depending on where you are in the United States, the court system that your charges are heard in, and the lawyer that you have representing you, there is a wide range of possibilities when it comes to the penalties and sentences that an offender may face in the US courts for drug possession. In fact, the United States is currently going through a strange and unprecedented period of time where a variety of states have either decriminalized (16 states) or legalized (11 states) non-medical possession and use of marijuana.

The strange reality of the growing wave of states that are moving towards legalization of marijuana and other soft drugs is that at the same time, simple possession of marijuana in South Dakota can lead to a year in jail, and possession of a concentrate or hash is a felony with a possibility of 10 years in prison. Meanwhile just across the state line in Minnesota, possession of up to 42.5 grams of marijuana results in a citation and $200 fine.

As you can imagine from the wide range of drug laws and penalties in the United States, it is absolutely essential that you work with an experienced and aggressive defense attorney to make sure that you are treated fairly in the courts. Criminal Defense Lawyer Parikh has a long and decorated history of helping drug offenders work through the Florida court systems towards an outcome that helps them focus on rehabilitation and moving forward with their lives, instead of having their entire life ruined for a small quantity of marijuana.

What To Do After Being Arrested For Drug Possession

Whether you are arrested for marijuana possession or a different scheduled drug, the most important thing that you can do from the moment that you are interacting with police is to remain quiet, respectful, and cooperative. This probably won’t keep you out of handcuffs, but it will help to make sure that you don’t end up facing any additional charges such as resisting arrest. Keep your mouth shut about the situation, and politely inform the officers that you would like to wait until you have a lawyer before making any statements about the situation.

The justice system in the United States is swift when it comes to penalizing offenders, so you will need to get in touch with a lawyer at the first moment possible. The more time that you and your attorney have to work together, the more comprehensive of a defense you will be able to build together, and the better chances of a lighter sentence may be. The amount of time that you work with your attorney is no indication of how light or severe your sentencing will be, but more time is always a major help when it comes to legal cases.

What To Expect At Sentencing

If you are working with an experienced lawyer, especially if you are working in a court that they are familiar with, then they may be able to help you understand what to expect during sentencing if you are found guilty. It is likely that there are certain judges who are known to have either lighter or harsher sentencing preferences for certain crimes, and if your attorney is familiar with the judge who is presiding over your own case they will have been able to customize their defense arguments and will be able to set your expectations on sentencing day.

The reality of any drug-related arrest is that working with a lawyer is the best thing that you can possibly do for yourself. They will be able to use their experience and legal understanding to identify the possible outcomes or paths forward and will guide you through the process towards a favorable outcome.

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