
“DIL TOD KE” A New Song Presented by B Praak Out Now

A new song DIL TOD KE is going to be released soon on 15 July 2020. Friends, this song is being sung by B Praak which is being released by Gulshan Kumar and on t-series. The song also mentions the sweetness of love and fighting for love. The chemistry of love is being presented with the voice of B. Praak. Friends, Abhishek Singh and Kaashish Vohra are going to be seen in this song while presenting the Love Chemistry. As you all know the poster of this song has already been posted on Twitter. Friends, from the poster of this song, people are speculating that this song is related to love. The way the hero and the heroine are seen in this poster while hugging each other on the bike. In this song, very sweet and soothing music is also presented by the only and only Rochak Kohli.

Friends, the song that you are all eagerly waiting for, now the song DIL TOD KE will be released on July 15. But by then all of you should get more information about this song which is given in our entire article. The song will hit the nail on the head when the song will be watched by the people living throughout the world. Do not miss to watch this upcoming song on time.

You all have to read this whole article carefully, in which the details of the song Lyricist, Director, Singer, and Musicians are all given. This song, presented in the voice of friends B Praak, is presenting its beautiful lyrics to entertain all of you. The song features beautiful lyrics by Manoj Muntashir. Friends, all of you are going to enjoy the lyrics of this song very much.

Because this soulful song is designed to win over all of you. These songs will be presented with the words of love. Nowadays people are eager to listen to love-filled songs. Because listening to such songs, their heart and mind get very relaxed. That is why this song is now being presented in the voice of B. Prak in which lyrics are given by Manoj Muntashir.

You will also be very happy to know that the director of this song is Ashish Pandey. Who are still giving directions to this song until this song is released? Friends Abhishek Singh and Kashish Vohra will be seen performing in this song.

Stay connected with our channel to get more information.

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