
Jassi Latest Punjabi Song 2020, Track Sung By Payal Dev

This song sung by Payal Dev is making people wait a lot. Friends, the rap in this song is given by Ikka The music of this song is presented by Raj Aashu. You all know that there are many songs sung by Payal Dev, which are very much liked by the people. Friends, this song is also going to win all your hearts completely. Lyrics are written by Murali Agrawal in this song. It has been written that Agrawal will win people’s hearts completely. Moreover, this song has been edited by Amit Anand. So, friends, the editing has given in this song that you all will like very much is its editor Amit Anand. Which will make all of you very happy to see this song.

Jassi Song Video

As if all of you must have been lyrics of this song which has been released in its teaser. The lyrics of this song have been written by Murali Aggarwal and many projects have been done by Murari Agarwal. Aditya Dev has mixed and masters this song. You all know that a song has spread its foot in the life of people. Now people do not just pass a day without listening to a song. Now half the life has depended on the songs of the people.

As you know, if people are spending their moments of unhappiness, then they get relieved only by sad songs. And if he is happy, then he enjoys listening to songs of joy and gaiety. Similarly, friends, this rap song is going to win you all over. This song will be presented on T-series. So do not forget to watch this song.

Beautiful lyrics presented by Payal, written by Murali Agarwal, will make people very happy. Moreover, the heart of the people is ready to beat with the rhythm of lyrics presented by Murari Aggarwal. So friends, now all of you have to stay connected with us like this.

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