
DL vs HBF Live Score, Match Prediction, Team, Top Picks, German Mens Handball 2020

The fifth positioned team SC DHfK Leipzig from the German Men’s Handball 2020 is going to compete against their rival team on December 17. The team who will oppose them in this next match of the league is TSV Hannover Burgdorf who are currently placed at the 12th position in the league table. The venue that has been selected for the DL vs HBF match is Leipzig, Quarterback Immobilien Arena and it is going to kick-off at 11:30 PM IST. As of now, these two teams have participated in 12 games and this is going to be their 13th match in the tournament.

DL vs HBF Live Score

DL vs HBF Live Score

SC DHfK Leipzig Squads

Bastian Roschek, Alen Milošević, Niclas Pieczkowski, Joel Birlehm, Bastian Roscheck, Julius Meyer-Siebert, Jonas Honicke, Marko Mamić, Philipp Weber, Maciej Gebala, Kristian Skinstad Sæverås, Patrick Wiesmach, Kristian Sæverås, Martin Larsen, Maximilian Janke, Luca Witzke, Marc Esche, Gregor Remke, Philipp Müller, Miloš Putera, Milos Putera, Lucas Krzikalla, Lukas Binder

TSV Hannover Burgdorf Squads

Jannes Krone, Justus Fischer, J Hansen, Ivan Martinović, Hendrik Pekeler, Hannes Feise, Miha Zarabec, Urban Lesjak, Evgeni Pevnov, Malte Donker, Veit Mavers, Martin Hanne, Iker Romero Fernandez, I Brozovic, V Buchner, Fabian Böhm, Domenico Ebner, Filip Kuzmanovski

Probable Playing 6

Team DL: Philipp Weber, Marko Mamić, Patrick Wiesmach, Kristian Sæverås, Finn Lukas Leun Lukas Binder, Luca Witzke

Team HBF: J Hansen, Alfred Jonsson, Urban Lesjak, I Brozovic, Ivan Martinović, Filip Kuzmanovski, Fabian Böhm

SC DHfK Leipzig vs TSV Hannover Burgdorf Preview

The SC DHfK Leipzig vs TSV Hannover Burgdorf match is up next for the German Mens Handball 2020. The team HBF has won only four games out of their 12 matches played in this league. This made them to score only 12 points in their pocket and the 12th position in the point table. Their last match against Rhein Neckar Lowen (RNL) was a victory as HBF scored 36 goals, while RNL scored 30 goals only and lost the game.

On the other hand, team SC DHfK Leipzig (DL) has 15 points in their team’s account that made them to sit at the fifth spot of the point table. They have won six games out of 12 games that they played so far. Their past match was against HSG Nordhorn-Lingenm, in which DL got the success as they scored 28 goals and their rival team only managed to score 24 goals and thus DL won that game.

Key Players

Among both the teams who will compete against each other on Thursday, the team SC DHfK Leipzig (DL) has been ahead of their opponent team TSV Hannover Burgdorf (HBF). Both have some talented players who did well in their previously participated matches and those players from DL are Phillipp Weber, Marko Mamic, Patrick Wiesmach, Lukas Binder and Lucas Krzikalla. The team TSV Hannover Burgdorf (HBF) list of Key Players consist of Alfred Jonsson, Johan a Plogv Hansen, Ivan Martinovic, Ilija Brozovic and Filip Kuzmanovski.

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