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Major Twist! Koi Laut Ke Aaya Hai 10th June 2017 Today Episode Written Updates

Major Twist! Koi Laut Ke Aaya Hai 10th June 2017 Today Episode Written Updates :- Star Plus most unbelievable entertaining program, “Koi Laut Ke Aaya Hai” looks like an enjoyable interesting show, which gives the enormous voltage potential that gives to the Koi Laut Ke Aaya Hai followers.

Koi Laut Ke Aaya Hai 10th June 2017 Written Update

The traditional TV series “Koi Laut Ke Aaya Hai” to made to give goose bumps to the observers with its never finishing dilemma way and revealed the essential crux of the presentation is to showcase in the latest episodes that, Gitanjali says I m extremely upbeat to see you getting rebuffed. Abhimanyu asks what did I do Gaura. She says you are dead for me.

The latest episode started with, Abhimanyu’s attorney raises protest. Judge overrules. Shukla clarifies importance of overrrule. He says Gitanjali’s dead body was there in ward, Abhimanyu was available there. He asks Gitanjali where was she. He demonstrates Chamki’s photos and says you were in Jaipur, Abhimanyu got her here as Gitanjali, he is attempting to trick, this young lady is additionally included. Abhimanyu’s legal advisor says photograph alter is normal thing nowadays, anybody can make such pics.

Shukla says any record can be made, I can demonstrate this is Chamki. Judge says fine, we will continue after break. Auditor says you are catching Gitanjali, its not her misstep, you need to outline Abhimanyu. Shukla says law is visually impaired, equity will happen.

Bhavani says nothing ought to happen to my child, else Rishabh won’t get spared. She asks what might I do. He says assume fault on yourself, you are Chamki and executed Gitanjali for property. She gets stunned. Abhimanyu says incredible Shukla ji, you did all wanting to send me to imprison. Shukla says keep in mind I m indicting you. Abhimanyu says that too exceptionally well. Shukla says you gave me cash to uncover the case, I didn’t comprehend why would you like to go imprison. Abhimanyu grins.

A man gives proclamation about Chamki. He says Abhimanyu has beaten me in prepare. Shukla says Abhimanyu gave her cash to make her Gitanjali. She reviews Bhavani’s words. Abhimanyu’s legal advisor says this man is captured thrice to tease ladies, we have checked his experience. Shukla says I concur he is free character, however how can it matter.

Judge asks did you make this a joke, remain in court confines, your witness is lying, I can capture him for phony. Shukla sends the witness. Abhimanyu asks what will you do now. Judge says you have no verification that she is Chamki, I will give my choice at this point. Shukla requests that consent get new witness. Judge asks will you release me home today or not. Shukla says I have Chamki’s folks. Bhavani stresses.

Several comes and asks Gitanjali where did she go. The woman says no, she is not my little girl. Rishabh says obviously, she is not your girl, Abhimanyu slaughtered your little girl. Gitanjali gets calmed seeing Rishabh and rushes to embrace him. He asks did you think I m so frail that anybody can execute me. The woman says my little girl resembles her, a city fellow was catching her, she didn’t hear me out. The man says Abhimanyu was that city fellow, we didn’t get Chamki, he has slaughtered Chamki. Legal advisor says we are sorry to learn, this is Gitanjali’s murder case, not Chamki’s. Judge says its related, charged is same.

Abhimanyu, if Gitanjali is alive, whose dead body was found in ward that night, I offer request to explore, capture Abhimanyu. Shukla says thanks to him. Abhimanyu discloses to Shukla that its arrangement’s demon part begins now. Abhimanyu takes auditor’s firearm and goes for them. He flees. Judge says get him, is he pure, does a honest man do such thing, I will ensure he gets rebuffed. Abhimanyu stops an auto and takes off. Police takes after.

Abhimanyu gets down the auto and keeps a stone on the quickening agent. The auto hits the tree. Goons put other Abhimanyu inside the auto. Police comes to there and captures Abhimanyu. Gitanjali comes and looks on. Abhimanyu says Gaura… .. The shrewdness Abhimanyu sees them and grins.

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