Ravan has a dream that Sita in a Kali Avtar ruined his dynasty and Killed him too. Ravan wakes up from the horrible dream and thinks to find a solution as before this dream come true. He tells this to Kaikesi and she finds it horrible and a sign of danger on the whole dynasty.

Siya Ke Ram Episode Written Updates
Ravan underestimates the power of Sita but Kaikesi talks about Ram and says Sita might be weak but what about those who are coming to Lanka in search of Sita. Ram is making a strategy to enter Lanka, He says Lanka is the group of hidden islands. It is difficult to find Sita but he has believe that he will find her soon.
He sends the army of monkeys to find Sita in a group. Ravan underestimates Ram’s power but Kaikesi asks him to beware as Sugriva’s army is in his service. It is not easy to estimate his power and we should beware. Ravan says he has decided what to do.
Ravan goes to Sita to and tells her about his strategy that as Ram will reach there he will kill him and overpower him. Sita replies to break his ego but he is lost in his ego.
Sugriva’s army with Angad and Hanuman depart in search of Sita. An eagle reaches there and says that they can not cross the ocean but they can be food for it.
Sita is practicing and Trijata asks to teach her cooking. Mandodari also wants to try. Ravan came to meet Sita and says that nobody can kill him. Sita says his words has reflection of his fear. Ram will punish him for his sins.
Ram tells Lakshman that he got information about Sita. He asks how long they will wait. Ram says soon Hanuman will gather info about her. Hanuman flies in the air and thinks to find Sita soon.
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