The last night episode of the TV series Suhani Si Ek Ladki begins with Dadi was very much tensed because of Suhani and at the same time she was sad too, Dadi tries to explain to Suhani to forget whatever bad happened to her and just to focus on her future.

Suhani Si Ek Ladki Episode Written Updates
She also asked Suhani to move on in her life, Pratima asked to Suhani that it is Yuvraaj who is responsible for ruining your life but now you should concentrate on Yuvaan instead of Yuvraaj.
But Suhani said that she is worried that Yuvraaj should not demand Yuvaan’s custody as she can’t compromise with Yuvraaj about Yuvaan. She is shocked to know that Kishan also want to have Yuvaan.
Soumya gets food for Suhani and asks her to have it. Suhani asks her not to work. Menka scolds Soumya for not getting water. She says to Soumya that is you a maid for Suhani. Suamya looks on but Pratima asked Saumya to bring water for Suahni unless she wills complaint the same to Dadi. ]
Menka shows her irritation which Dadi notices but Dadi just ignored the same and she asked to Suhani that is she is happy with Sambhav, Suhani asked Sambhav is a nice guy and he is being good to her.
Yuvraaj goes to Suhani to Suhani and asked her to go out from the Birla house ASAP as now he will also start his new life with Saumya. Suhani asked to him that she is also happy with Sambhav. Both Suhani and Sambhav hurt each other.
Yuvaan and Yuvaani arrived to them just now and asked to them that their parent is everything for them. Suhani and Sambhav are now sleeping, Sambhav saes her romantically and asked about her that I am not at all guilty as I purposely separate you from Yuvraaj.
As from now onward you will be mine as I want you to be mines forever then I can do whatever I want to do with you.
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