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What Is the Cause of Most Car Accidents?

You have certainly heard that you should not be texting while driving, and maybe you know people that have lost their lives due to somebody driving while drunk. Every day the news is full of stories of pedestrians being run over by distracted drivers, or of pile-ups in the expressway when people are on their way to work. No doubt about it, the types of accidents and causes behind them are as diverse and varied as our imagination can allow and even more.

What is the most common cause of car accidents?

You may probably find it difficult to believe, but these days the most common cause responsible for accidents on the road is distracted driving. What exactly constitutes distracted driving? It can range from using your cellphone when driving to eating and drinking while behind the wheel. Or from paying more attention to the conversation that your passengers are having than to the road. Or because you are drinking from your coffee mug and looking for a place to leave it while going full speed on the highway.

Don’t fave an accident for reasons that can well be avoided. Distracted driving can result in unbelievable damage and injuries to others and to yourself.

And the second most common cause?

This time you may be able to figure it out on your own. The second reason why most car accidents happen is speeding. By its very definition, speeding implies crashes that are much more violent and spectacular. And also, crashes where more fatalities occur.

And speaking about not engaging in dangerous behavior that can be avoided, in this case, even a small increase in speed increases the chances of you losing control of your car and ending up in an accident. Going fast means that it will take longer for you to slow down when you see and obstacle or another car immediately ahead.

What are the other common causes of car accidents?

Drinking and driving is certainly known for getting people to drive recklessly and to speed. This is the third most common cause of car accidents. That is why it’s so important for you to designate a driver if you are going to a social event where drinking will be taking place. Remember that all states have a .08 blood alcohol concentration limit. Don’t end up being charged with a DUI.

Weather also plays an important part in many car accidents. If it’s raining heavily, if the roads are wet and slippery or if there is so much fog that you can barely see out the window make an extra effort to drive slowly and responsibly. Many weather-related collisions combine that condition with cars that have not been properly maintained. This can mean something as simple as not having your tires properly inflated. Take the time to have your car in as good a shape as possible before heading out the door.

Whether you were involved in a car accident due to distracted driving, bad weather, a poorly maintained vehicle or for any other reason, let 1-800-Injured connect you with a seasoned, knowledgeable lawyer who can give you the necessary guidance as to how to proceed to recover your damages and understand the way accident law works. Visit 1800injured.care for more information and get started today.

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