Yuvraj is about to read that letter written by Yuvan Meanwhile Suhani takes it from Yuvraj. Suhani depicts a story to Yuvan and he asks if she is angry with her. She replies that she is not angry, Yuvan then asks so Sambhav can be his father.

Suhani got a message from Sambhav that he wants to meet him outside and Its urgent. She went to see and didn’t find Sambhav then she thinks why he called her? Sambhav reaches there and says he wants to show her something. Yuvraj goes to Yuvan with Yuvani and Krishna and also brings ice-cream for him. He got that letter.
Suhani Si Ek Ladki Episode Written Update
Yuvraj came to know that Yuvan wants to make Sambhav his father. Sambhav proposes Suhani and Yuvraj listen to him and got angry. Suhani says Yuvan has a father but Sambhav says that Yuvani also has a mother and gave time to her to think about it.
Suhani and Yuvraj both are upset. Sambhav thanked Somya as she encouraged him for doing this. Menka asks Somya for reward as she helped her a lot.
Pratima consoles Yuvraj and makes Yuvraj understand that Suhani might want to ignore him as if she wants him she could do this before.
Dadi came there and says this is her plan as she doesn’t want to be cruel. Also because Yuvan will not allow any Stranger to be Yuvan’s father.
Suhani is puzzled, She tells Bhawana that Sambhav proposed her but Bhawana is not surprised as she has an idea about that. Somya listens to them and pretends like she doesn’t know anything about this. Suhani says she will say no to him. Somya then tries to manipulate her. Bhawana agrees with her but Suhani refuses.
Suhani is waiting for Sambhav to say him no. Suhani thinks Sambhav came there but that was Yuvraj and taunts him regarding Sambhav.
Sambhav and Yuvraj have a fight over Yuvan’s matter. Yuvraj grabs his collar and Yuvan came there and supports Sambhav.
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