Yuvraj is irritated and wants to tell Yuvan truth. Pratima encourages him. Yuvraj fights with Suhani meanwhile Dadi came there but Yuvraj clearly asks her to leave. Yuvraj is angry with Dadi. Dadi asks him to forgive her and she wants to repent and she will find a way to give him Yuvaan back.

Yuvan is watching to that Superhero. Sambhav makes him happy and Yuvan praises him. Both of them have fun together. Yuvan asks him if he will be with him forever. Sambhav agrees to be with him and wishes if Suhani would say yes.
Suhani Si Ek Ladki Episode Written Update
Yuvani and Krishna had fun with Sambhav’s camera and shows that to Yuvraj and asks him to capture a pic of them. Sambhav then taunts him and both of them again have a cold war. Suhani finds a superman’s figure from Yuvan and also a letter that was written about Sambhav by Yuvan. Yuvan reaches there and asks what he wrote? He says he wants to make Sambhav his dad. Suhani becomes emotional.
She has no answer she just refuses and then takes a promise from him not to talk about this with Sambhav. Pratima asks for Bhawana’s help and she tries to way out possible. Leela tells Yuvan she got something and his name is written on that. Its a treasure hunt chit and he got thrilled to find that. Pratima and Yuvraj smiles.
Dadi is happy as Pratima is supporting her. Yuvan heard about ice-cream in fridge and rushes. Suhani looks for Yuvraj and Somya tells her that Yuvraj went outside. Suhani tells him he wants to talk to him as this is the time to tell Yuvaan that Yuvraj is his father. Somya manipulates her to change her decision.
Precap :
Sambhav finally proposed to Suhani and Yuvraj hears them and got shocked.
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