
Ram Ratan Movie Review & Ratings, Public Response, Hit or Flop

Ram Ratan Movie Review & Rating, Public Response, Hit or Flop: -This Friday in between lots of big movies and competition from Hollywood and Bollywood another small budget movie Ram Ratan released at the box office. People who are coming out to watch this movie are saying the very bad word of mouth for the movie even the critics aren’t looking positive for the movie and they shared very negative reviews till now. We aren’t sure that you all are going to love this movie because of the weak Production and direction work.

Ram Ratan Movie Review & Ratings

The movie is directed by Govind Sakariya, with Praful Parekh as the writer, forming part of the crew. Also, the movie is featuring Daisy Shah and Rishi Bhutani in the main leading roles. Also, you catch another artist in the supporting roles as well. I am sure that you all are going to love this movie because of the good direction and production work. The cast also includes Mahesh Thakur, Sudha Chandran, and Rajpal Yadav. Aval Movie Review

If we talk about the movie then we can say that it is a romantic-comedy movie but that factor is missing in the story. Also, the acting is very poor along with story and screenplay. This movie has good direction work and background score is good along with good editing. Goodalochana Review

Story based on-

The director of the film Sakariya said that the film is a romance with a pinch of comedy and thrill. Overall, we want to say that don’t expect much from the Story plot because this is the weak point of the movie.

Positive points of the movie-

  • This movie has good direction work.
  • Editing work is fine.
  • Background score is good.

Negative points of the movie-

  • This movie has a weak screenplay.
  • Acting work is very poor.
  • Scripting is very bad.

Final verdict-

This movie is releasing along with so many another big release which is why I don’t think people are going to watch this movie in big numbers.

Directed by: Govind Sakariya

Produced by: Sanjay Patel, Ashwin Patel, Bharat Dodiya

Written by: Praful Parekh

Screenplay by: Govind Sakariya

Music by: Bappi lahiri

Releasing Date: 03/11/2017

Ratings: 1.5/5

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