In the last night episode of the TV series Thapki Pyar Ki we saw that Bihaan and Thapki were apologizing to each other. And Thapki said that we need to punish the real culprit and Thapki asked Bihaan to provide his support to her for the same. Bihaan said to Thapki that he will be supporting her until he will die. Thapki stopped him from saying this. Bihaan said that in the fight for justice I am always with you.

Thapki Pyar Ki Today Episode Written Updates
Thapki and hugs each and cries. Suman and Preeti had been seen were arguing that who will do Bihaan’s work now. Ashwin and Sanjay came there and Suman said to Sanjay that Dadi wants you to do Bihaan’s work. Sanjay is shocked to see that he needs to clear the cow dung.
Thapki got a letter in which it was written that I am having the proofs which can prove Bihaan innocent. Meet me and I will give you the same. Thapki was thinking about it and moved to show it to Bihaan. Bihaan was hurt and unhappy as still Maa did not forgive him.
By seeing Bihaan’s anger Thapki turned the topic change and said that these all are the paper of the court of your case. Meanwhile, Thapki now went to meet with the person, who called her in a phone call and promised her that he will be giving her the proves of the Bihaan’s innocence.
Thapki now waiting for him and shocked to see a person in Burkha appears in front of her and attack her with knife. Thapki run away in order to save her but the person is follows her in order to kill her and shockingly he is the same person who stabbed Bau Ji.
Fortunately Bihan was there and when the person in Burkha was about to stab Thapki and Thapki screams, Bihaan arrives and he save Thapki but Bihaan unable to catch the person. And the person runs away.
Next day Bihaan had been seen unhappy as it was his birthday today and he thinks that, Bau Ji used to celebrate his birthday with him. Bihaan come and meet with Bau Ji and Bau Ji cries. Thapki also cried.
Precap: The man injects something in the Bau Ji’s glucose. And Bau ji gets unwell. The Pandey family looks anxious.
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