As we are heading towards growth things like anxiety, depression etc have become a common phenomenon among the people. Even celebrities like Deepika Padukone, Shahrukh Khan, Snajay Dutt etc faced the same problem of depression. We all have known that in these times smart phones have become a good friend. To fight this problem British researchers have come up with a new app which can help people in coping up with their anxiety as well as depression.

British Researchers have made this new app with the name “Catch It”. This app is based on cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT. This app uses psychological approach to help the person in managing their problems. This app changes the way how a person thinks and behaves to tackle a particular problem.
Catch It as the name suggest help the people in identifying their thoughts and thinking style and then help the users from shifting from their current mood. This process is named as “Catch it, Check it and change it”. This app maintains a diary that let one help in improving their understanding of their mood.
Peter Kinderman who is the professor at the university of Liverpool in Britain said that “in this research they keep in check the uptake and usage rates of this application used by the users along with their responses to the CBT which further determine their faithfulness and also what are the impact on their negative or positive moods when this app is used.” In their first trial it was visible that the participants who used this app have significantly seen the reduction in their bad mood while if they were in good mood it was further elevated.
Though this app may not help in solving your problem but it definitely allow you to have a different perspective towards your problem by changing the way you think or behave about a particular problem and sometimes it is not the solution but a different perspective is all we need to tackle a problem. Kinderman further added that this app is based on the concept that all your thoughts, physical movements, feelings, actions, sensations etc are inter related and if there is a single negative thought then it can trap a person in a never ending cycle. He also suggested that smart phones applications have a positive impact on the mindset of a person with the help of CBT principle. More research in this are should be conducted so that we can have better results.
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