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8 Printing Fun Facts That You’ve Never Heard Of


Back in 22 B.C China, we can trace the inception of printing using earlier methods such as stamping into clays to make impressions. The authenticity of any document was decided by clay stamps, the same work that seals does today. In A.D. 105, the paper was invented that further catalyzed the usage of technology for printing.

Since its inception, the offset printing industry has never stopped and has constantly been growing with ongoing innovations. Our lives are circum-compassed by printing and parcel, from your menu at the hotel to your morning newspaper, printed material is everywhere around us and will be there, maybe in a new way, for a long time. We found some awe-worthy and unusual printing facts for you in this blog post.

Here are these intriguing printing facts to know more about this industry and the milestones it has covered.

  • Non-capitalized letters are called ‘lowercase’ just because in earlier printing days the lower case letters were kept in the lower drawer cases.
  • The first book (The First Folio) from Shakespeare with 36 plays in it and 400 pages long, took around two years to be completely printed.
  • Gutenberg’s printing machine is considered to be the most important invention of the last millennium, reported by Times Magazine
  • Johann HennezumGensfleischzur Laden, in Mainz, Germany, printed the first mechanically printed book Gutenberg Bible in the year 1455
  • Averaging around $2,700 per gallon; Black printer ink is one of the most expensive liquid, surpassing space shuttle fuel and oil on a per gallon scale.
  • Even after his invention Johannes Gutenberg died as a poor man this was because one of his wealthy partners filed a lawsuit against him in 1455. Unfortunately, he lost the lawsuit. The result was shutting down Iconic Printer from his business, and ultimately Gutenberg deluged into financial ruin before he died in 1468.
  • The smallest book in the world is a Japanese book that has several pictures of the flowers that are found in the four seasons of China, its dimensions are 0.0291×0.0295” and has its name in Guinness Book of World Records. While the smallest printed book measures 74×0.75mm, one cannot see anything without a magnifying glass.
  • History nerds say that an estimated number of 12 million plus propaganda pamphlets were printed to provoke people towards Germans in World War 2. The leaflets were dropped all over the Germany in order to lift the morale of American and allied soldiers when they were deflating Nazis.

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