
Tips to Study Effectively For Your Exams

Studying for your exams is never easy. Of course, some of us are blessed with excellent memory and discipline that helps to overcome this difficult process with ease. Unfortunately, the majority of students do have to face the struggle every few months as the exam session gets closer and closer. It is a rough period for most of us. All around people are stressed, exhausted and seem to be on the edge of a nervous breakdown. But it doesn’t have to be this way! There are ways you can study for your exams without feeling like it is the worst torture on a planet. We want to share a brief guide with you on how to study for exams effectively and stress-free. Hopefully, you already know some of our suggestions but we recommend going through all of them one more time. Remember, only practice makes it perfect!

Organize your space

Yes, we want to start with this essential step. To study effectively and efficiently you need to organize your study space. Having a mess in the room will never help you concentrate. Thus, we advise you to clean up your room, make your bed and organize everything at your desk. Once, your environment is no longer in chaos you can focus better!

Make short breaks

Don’t forget to take short breaks! For each hour of study give yourself ten minutes of rest. Better if you study in 30 minutes intervals which you separate by five minutes breaks. This way you let your brain recharge and regain its focus. Try to do something opposite of what you have been doing, so your eyes and body rest as well. And if you see today is not your day you can always google “how can I pay someone to write my paper cheap”. It works as a break too!


One of the best ways to spend your break is to exercise. Now, we don’t mean anything heavy. Just do some stretching or a few push-ups, for example. Exercising is one of the best study hacks out there when you have studied for a long time. It will give you a boost of energy to help you through. If you don’t feel like exercising (and we get you) just go for a walk. Walking can clear your head and increase your creative flow.


If you can’t study – teach. Teaching, or in other words, explaining the subject to others can help you remember it better. It will also show the weak spots in your knowledge and motivate them to do learn more.

Eat right

Of course, preparations for the exams takes a lot of time and effort. But don’t forget about eating right! Yes, food can be your best friend or greatest enemy. Go for food with high carbs and low on sugar. Try to reduce your caffeine intake and stay away from all types of energy drinks. They trick your brain, fill you up with sugar, which creates a hype of productivity but in the end, they just leave you drained and empty. You feel too exhausted and unmotivated. Hence, they can be used only as a temporary solution for an emergency.

Find your way to memorize

And if you are still wondering how to focus on studying, here is the answer. Find your way to memorize the material you need. Some of us need visuals, some better remember by listening. We all different. Just find your way of learning and try to use it where it is possible.


Here was our best recommendation for the most effective exam preparations you have ever had. Hopefully, you have found them not just effective but easy to implement into your daily study routine. Remember that this period doesn’t have to be as difficult as we usually make it. As we have just shown you, there are numerous tactics to make exam studying rather easy if approached correctly. Of course, this guide can’t guarantee you full success in your exams. Though, what we can guarantee is that following those steps will reduce the stress and hardships of your studying. We hope you will soon notice it yourself. We wish you the best of luck with your exams!


Susan Wallace is a blogger and educator. Susan is passionate about new and alternatives ways of studies and wished to reform the current system of education. As a mental health advocate, Susan knows how hard the current study process can be on children and young adults. In her free time, she gives a lecture at schools or participates in the local activist movement.

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