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What to do When a Loved One is Unwilling to Seek Professional Help for their Mental Health Problem

People going through addiction or mental health problems aren’t always aware that they need to see a specialist. For starters, they rarely believe that they have a mental health problem. Some may feel that the issue can isn’t that serious and can be addressed by them without necessarily seeking treatment. Others are discouraged by their fears of the mental health facilities in Kentucky, or concerns to do with a stigma that comes with mental health diagnosis.

What to do When a Loved One is Unwilling to Seek Professional Help for their Mental Health Problem

No family wants to be faced with a situation like this. When your loved one doesn’t see that they need to seek the help of a psychiatrist in Louisville Kentucky, you may be left frustrated especially when you know they need help. So what can you do? In this article, we share some tips to convince mental health patients that are unwilling to seek treatment. Read on to learn more.

Talking to your family member

It’s tempting to threaten, plead, or repeatedly urge your kin to seek treatment. But this is sure to lead to a communication breakdown. What will follow is that the affected person will shut you out.

To express the concerns over the need for treatment, use the “I” statements as opposed to “you” statements. “I” statements show your focus on what you think or believe in and don’t criticize the sick individual. The approach allows you to communicate with your loved one about their problem without the member feeling defensive.


Instead of telling them bluntly: “You need help!” you could say something like this:

“I feel incredibly worried every time I hear you saying how you stressed are. I think you could benefit a lot by seeing a specialist and talking about what you feel.”

What can I do?

Learn about mental illness and addiction

Coping is generally easier when you take your time to try and understand what your loved one is going through. While there are many articles, websites, and books to enlighten you on the matter, the challenge is to tell which of these pieces of info is accurate. Go to government websites or those belonging to genuine organizations. You could also use a good psychiatrist in Louisville Kentucky to educate you about the condition.

Talk to the affected person about your worries, and encourage them to get help.

It’s critical to demonstrate to your affected family member that you are worried about them. While at it, make sure you express these concerns in the best way possible.

Suggest to the person to see their family physician or book an appointment with one of the top mental health facilities in Kentucky.

 Seek support for yourself and your family

It also helps to seek family support. It may include enrolling in a support group, setting a meeting with a top therapist, or even attending education sessions. Also, there are lots of community peer family support groups.

Don’t Neglect Yourself

You can easily be overwhelmed by the task of supporting a loved one with an addiction or mental health problem. You will find that it’s not easy to balance being with them with your needs. To make sure that you are not neglecting your needs, make sure that you take some time for yourself. Taking care of yourself is critical to supporting a family member with mental health problems. You could use some of the tips below:

Spare time for stress-relieving activities

  • Create time to visit other family members or friends
  • If you feel overwhelmed, do not hesitate to ask your family members for help.
  • Have boundaries to ensure that the limits you set are not crossed.
  • Take care of your own mental and physical health, and get help if necessary.

Support other family members

It’s not just the person with a mental health problem that will be affected. Rather. Mental health problems will wear down the whole family, not to mention close friends of the affected individual. Give any support you can, while ensuring you don’t get yourself overwhelmed.

Children will also want to know what’s going on. If you are worried about what the child is going through, you could talk with your family doctor.

Children, in particular, may need help to understand what is happening. If you are concerned about how a child is coping, you could speak to their family doctor. Support may also be available from a school social worker or through a community organization (see the “Resources” section).

Enlist the help of a professional

If you and your family cannot talk your loved one into the idea of seeing a psychiatrist in Louisville Kentucky, it may help to talk to a professional. These professionals are counseling specialists that are trained in dealing with people with mental problems.

Taking Stronger Measures

You may be forced to take tougher measures when your loved one cannot see the problem they have. You could think of them as therapeutic coercion, similar to tough love.

Explain to the affected person that there are certain responsibilities and privileges that come with family. If there is financial support that you are advancing to an adult child, use them to get them to seek help from mental health facilities in Kentucky.

But if all these interventions don’t yield any fruit and you think the individual poses danger to other people or themselves, the best thing to do is to call the authorities. Research the laws regarding involuntary evolution in Kentucky.

It’s not just enough to call the relevant authorities and wait. Rather, go to the court hearings and show up to the emergency room. Tell the story when you do. Do not be afraid to tell the ugliest parts. Spit out the facts and make sure to tell them about the seriousness of the condition.


When a loved one is completely opposed to the idea of seeking help from a professional psychiatrist in Louisville Kentucky, you may be left with no other choice but to be tough. Even if it means cutting out the financial aid that you usually give them, you may need to do just that. This strategy can be incredibly powerful. Also, when all else appears to hit the brick wall, contact your state department about mental health and know how best to help your family member.

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